Monday, May 18, 2020

What to do if you do not receive invitation after logging on

Depending on the servers at BBO, you may or may not receive an invitation to play after logging in and after your host set a table for the North, South, East, West players.  Sometimes people will receive a playing invitation after supplying their logon id and their password.

But sometimes you will not receive an invitation until you click on "Casual" on the main screen after you log in.
Why do you need to click on the casual link?

The reason appears to be you switch from one computer server at BBO to another at BBO which allows you to see the invite.  Bryan Naab shared this explanation found on BBO by clicking here.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Explanation of Scoring in BBO

In BBO you have three ways to score - International Match Points (IMP), Matchpoints, or Total Points.   Because you are playing in BBO and the hands across teams are not the same, you should choose either IMP or Total Points.  IMP is the default in BBO.

What are they? 

  • IMP. In teams scoring, using IMP (International Match Point) scoring, it is the amount by which you beat the opposition which is significant. The difference in points is converted to IMPS using the table shown, which is intended to retain rubber bridge scoring but reduce the effect of one large score in a match.

  • Matchpoints. In Duplicate Bridge, your score is compared to all other pairs that play exactly the same board (hand) – therefore N/S is only compared against other N/S pairs that have played that board. Our Bridgepad calculates the N/S percent and E/W score will be the reciprocal of that score (100% - N/S %). The Duplicate Bridge scoring system is based on Matchpoints. You get one Matchpoint for every pair you beat and ½ Matchpoint for every pair you tie on each board. This is compared to the maximum Matchpoints possible to calculate the percentage. So, if a board was played 3 times, a perfect score would be 2 points (you did better than both the other pairs that played this board).
  • Total PointsPoints for each trick required and taken are scored as follows: 20 points in clubs and diamonds, 30 points in hearts and spades, 40 points for trick 7 in notrump and 30 points per trick over trick 7. These points are multiplied by two or quadrupled respectively if the contract has been doubled or redoubled.

BBO Bridge Host Information - Setting Table

The host sets up the session for the team.  The other team members are invited to the table once they log on.  They accept the invitation and are placed at the table.  Once all four players are seated then the play starts.  For a pdf version of this procedure click here.  View Video.


  1. I would suggest the host set up the table by 8:50 a.m. and wait for the other players to join at your table.   You cannot start until all four players are seated.
  2. There are no limits to the number of boards you play.  You (all four of you) will need to decide how many boards you want to play by discussing it in the chat feature you use during the game.
  3. The following screen shots show you how to set up a table.
You log onto Bridge Base Online (BBO) with logon id.  You will see this screen.  Choose casual.

Click on Start a Table

You will see this screen.  Click on "Permission Required to Play".  This prevents someone other than the club players to claim a seat if the club player does not show up precisely at 9:00 a.m.
You can choose one of three different scoring systems - International Match Points (IMP), Matchpoints, or Total Points.  The default is IMP.

You must make sure the people you are inviting are on your friends list.  If they are not then you must add them.

You seat the person by clicking on the positions (North, South, East, West) and then typing in their BBO log on ID from your friends list. You may need to use the slider bar to see the table.

Once you place people in each of the four seats, BBO will send an invitation to the player on BBO after they click on Casual as shown in the log on screen.   When they confirm the reservation, they are seated at the table.