Friday, January 8, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - Monday, January 11, 2021- Takeout Double



North (Overcaller) should DBL first. Advancer should identify the DBL as Takeout which is forcing. That means, assuming East subsequently passes, Advancer must bid (even with no points at all).  North should then ignore whatever suit Advancer bids (I assume it will be diamonds) & bid their own heart suit next. Making a Takeout DBL, then ignoring Advancer's suit to bid a suit of your own (even though you know Advancer might not have any points at all) shows a big hand (at least 19 HCPs) & a solid suit. If North bids 3H, South should take them to game. If I were North, however, my second bid with that hand would be 4H. With even the tiniest bit of help from Advancer (the heart Queen for example) that hand should deserve 10 tricks in hearts. 

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