Friday, April 9, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 12, 2021 - A major over 3NT


Question:  When should you choose a major over 3NT?


There is no simple answer to the question you pose. 

Many experienced players will frequently opt for NT because of the extra 10 points for the first trick. But that depends on the exact nature of the hand - if you do not make your contract, the extra 10 points for the first trick is of little value. It also depends on whether it is match point or team competition. In team competition the primary goal is to play in the safer contract. 

I encourage less experienced players to do the opposite & choose the major over NT. That is providing, of course, they know they have a golden fit. Generally speaking, suit contracts are easier to play than NT contracts. 

The question with respect to the above hand is whether EW knew they had a golden fit or not. Did the 3S bid by east promise a 5 card suit? Holding the East hand, I would have bid spades on my first chance to call, then diamonds next. That would have pretty much guaranteed a 5-card spade suit. 

Holding the West hand, knowing there is a golden fit, & considering myself a relatively inexperienced player, I would opt to play in 4S. Actually, even at my level of experience I "always" opt to play in the suit contract, if I know partner & I have a golden fit.


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