Friday, January 7, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - January 10, 2022 - What to do with a void


Question: This board offers the question of how to value a void in responder’s hand. Should the void be given a value of 3, 5 or some other value once Spades have been determined to be the best suit for play?


  A void in the partner’s 1st bid suit is never a good thing and may become valuable as the bidding progresses, but it always leaves room for doubt that most or a lot of partner’s points are in your void suit. Therefore, you don’t stretch to bid game and certainly not slam.

  The bidding got off on the wrong foot when North opened 1 ♣️ as everyone should always open the higher ranking suit. After opening 1 ♣️, NO ONE would believe N also held 5 ♠️ 

When you hold two 5-card suits, open the higher ranking. When overcalling, bid the higher ranking. When responding, bid the higher ranking suit. I am glad you sent this hand as it’s a super important part of good bidding!

BUT, if North opens 1 ️, South can splinter with 4 ️ and if they don’t use splinters, they simply bid 2 ️. Splinters are telling bids—partner, I have an opening hand, 4 trump for you and a singleton whatever (suit you bid). Then the opening bidder can describe his hand and often find slams!!

That is 1000% forcing  and now when N bids 3 ️, S knows they have a fit and good side suits so should look for slam. If opponents lead a ️, you only make 6, but if they lead anything else, you would make 7. Think you will agree that gives you much better results.

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