Friday, January 22, 2021

Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - January 25, 2021 - Bidding after a Jacoby Transfer


Question: How do you determine how high to go after a Jacoby transfer?


When partner opens 1NT and you have 5+ cards in a major, you use Jacoby Transfers and your responses are very structured!!! So P opens 1NT and you bid 2 ♥️, (new rule you say spades)  and partner bids 2 ♠️. Your responses are:

               A. 2 NT shows a 5-card suits and 8 or 9 pts.

               B. 3NT shows a 5-card suit and 10-15 pts.

               C. 3 ♠️ shows 6 ♠️ and 8 or 9 pts,

               D. 4 ♠️ shows 6 ♠️ and 10-15 pts,

Anytime you have 16 or more points, you look for slam!

Hope this helps.



1 comment:

  1. 3 spades bid only had 5 spades, but option C says you have to have 6?
