Friday, February 12, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - February 15, 2021 - 2 Club bid



  A great hand. East should open the bidding 2 ♣️! She has the necessary 22 or more points and a 3-loser hand. When partner opens 2 ♣️, responder is obligated to get the partnership to 2NT, 3 of a Major or 4 of a minor. Some people cheat and count length points to open 2 ♣️, I discourage that at every opportunity. I think a 2 ♣️ opener is usually short 1 trick of game and this hand certainly qualifies.

  Responder should bid 2 ♦️, a waiting bid. He’s waiting for partner to start showing the description of her hand. She should rebid 2 ♥️. Now West has options available to show her how well they do or do not fit. He can use a second negative if he has nothing and no help for her.  But this hand has help: He has 3 trump and a singleton ♦️! That singleton ♦️ is at least a trick so he should bid 4 ♥️! He doesn’t have much, but making a game should be easier with his cards. He cannot bid 3 ♥️ because that shows a better hand—a hand that might be interested in slam. It’s up to East Ito decide if she wants to move on. Many players would Que bid their cheapest A which would be a bid of 4 ♠️ and it says partner, I really have a good hand. Responder should bid 5 ♥️ because he has nothing extra.

  If East bids 6, she makes It by winning opening lead, cashing 2 top ♥️ and then A and K ♦️, ruffing 3rd ♦️ and now her hand is good.

These hands are fun and we don’t get enough of them!



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