Friday, February 19, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - February 22, 2021- Right Hand Opponent took my opening bid


Question: What does one do as South when East takes your initial bid away?  Is Double the proper response?


  A TOX (take out double) PROMISES 3-card support for the other 3 suits and 13+ points. A NT overcall on the other hand shows 15-18 points and stoppers in the opponent’s suit. So South should bid 1NT, not make a TOX! North would transfer to ♥️ if you play transfers. If not, she would bid 3 ♥️  which is forcing you you would bid 3NT or 4 ♥️ depending on your hand.

  Competitive Bidding is really great to know and understand because it makes bridge so much more exciting for the entire table. We overcall suits with a 5+ card suit, NT with Opponents Suit Stopped or make a TOX with support for the other 3 suits.

Hope this helps,


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