Friday, August 6, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - August 9, 2021- Takeout Double at the 2 level

Question: South doubled the opening bid of 2H, would a bid of 2NT been a better overcall?


  I think with those 4 beautiful ♠️ that a takeout double was perfect. With 3 ♠️ and 2 ♥️ stoppers, I would overcall a NT. But to not give partner a chance to show ♠️ support if he has it, would almost be a crime.  

  In bidding we are always looking for the safe contract—we LOVE the Majors and show then whenever possible, we LIKE NT and IF we can’t find a major suit fit, we bid NT! If those two things don’t happen, we bid the poor little minors.

  I have a class coming up called competitive bidding and the major part of the class is how to know when to double and when to overcall. I hope some of our Monday morning people will take advantage of the class—it will be of tremendous help!

Thank you for giving me a chance to explain the difference,


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