Thursday, August 12, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - August 23, 2021 - Should you give up on a minor suit?


QuestionWhen do you give up on a minor, clubs, and go to No trump?


In general, you give up on a minor & go to NT as fast as you can. That would be as fast as you can determine you have a stopper in the other three suits. 

On this particular hand, given that South bid both spades & hearts & West does not have a stopper in either of those two suits, West should NEVER go to No Trump.  

Playing in a NT contract, EW deserve to lose the first nine tricks (5 spades + 4 hearts). Contracts rarely do much worse than that. 

Comment: A gold star to North for bidding 3H when they did. North has only 5 HCPs, but their side is not vulnerable & has a double fit (spades & hearts). North also warned partner their hand was weak when they Passed on their first chance to call.   

Looks to me like 3H deserves to make. A great competitive auction bid either way.

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