Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hand of the Week - August 24, 2020 - Glenna Shanahan - 1NT to 3NT


Problem:  How did South know how to go to 3NT right away?


  I was the defender and Charlotte Lindstrom made the great bid and gave us a zero,  Here’s what she knew:  Her daughter, Mary, opened 1NT. and she had 10 pts. counting the 5th card in a suit as 1 extra point. So, we bid NT games with 1-15 points and she did it. She didn’t use transfers or stamen (sic) because she had no length in the majors. Mary played it nicely and they received a top!

  Not all people count length points, but I think they should as 5-card suits are much more valuable than 4-card suits, etc.

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