Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hand of the Week - August 31, 2020 - Vic Johnson - Overcall or pass?


Background:  Vic Johnson(Shispidus) played this hand on Tuesday, August 25.  The questions were:

  • The question is how did you know to pass?  You had 13 points and a 5 card club suit.  
  • Why did you decide to pass and not bid the clubs?

Overcalls at the two level (especially vulnerable) should reflect a strong suit (two of top three or three of top five honors), should ideally be 6 cards in length & should be at the top of opening point count range (14+ HCPs). My hand met none of those criteria. 

As it turns out I would have stumbled into a great club fit, but I suspect we might then have gotten too high & gone down vulnerable. We get a better result by setting the opponents 4H.

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