Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hand of the Week for August 24, 2020 - Victor Johnson - Bidding Sequence



Joan Kirkhuff wants to know how the following hand should have been bid.


The proper bidding sequence depends on the details of the partnership agreement. 

If the partners agree that a solid 10 point hand is strong enough to make a Limit Raise, then North needs to orchestrate a slow arrival Limit Raise (promising only 3 card trump support). Subsequent to the slow arrival Limit Raise Opener should go to game. 

If the partners agree that a Limit Raise promises 11-12 points, then the 2H bid by north shown above is the correct call. Given that North could have 10 points, but could also have as few as only 6 points, Opener is not strong enough to jump to game. Opener could, however, invite game by bidding 3D which would be what is called a help suit game try. It invites Responder to go to game if they have diamond support & are near the top of their 2H point count. Subsequent to a second call of 3D by Opener, Responder should go to game. This is all assuming, of course, that the pair had discussed help suit game tries & Responder knows the meaning of Opener's 3D bid. 

The jump to game by South over 2H shown above resulted in the proper contract, but it was not good bridge. It was what I frequently refer to as Ho Chunk or Slot Machine bridge (roll the dice & take your chances).

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