Sunday, September 13, 2020

Hand of the Week - September 14, 2020 - Glenna Shanahan - Preempt or bid suit?


Problem: What does one do with a hand like this for West?  Do you automatically go to game? 


  All preempts are less than opening bids: 6-card suit open 2; 7-card suit open 3; 8-card suit- open 4; with 9-card major or minor just bid 4 of M and 5 of m!

  So when you have an opening hand, open 1 ♥️, P bids whatever and you reverse into 2 ♠️ —that promises 17+ points and says the 1st suit is 1-card longer than the 2nd suit.  Also, it’s a 1-round force so P must bid 1 more time to give you the right to the final decision. That’s how partner can figure out where your partnership more likely belongs. When you include P in the decision making process, you achieve better results.

  As a side: When you have 2 suits of equal length with a good hand, open the higher ranking suit and jump in the lower ranking—regardless of quality of the suits—you want to invite game and show P both suits. This is fine tune bidding at its best.

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