Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hand of the Week - Glenna Shanahan - September 21, 2020 - Bidding light

 Problem: How do you bid something like this?  It probably played better in no trump even though there was a void.


This is a typical hand where people overbid! South has a very light 1 ♦️ bid, N might bid 1 ♥️ and E bids 2 ♣️, S shouldn’t, but bids 2 ♠️ (shows 17+ points which he doesn’t have), N passes and E corrects to 3 ♦️ and it goes P, P and P. Every bid made should show shape and value, Everybody at this table bid with very light values. Good partnerships try to have sound values for their bids, but of course, nothing works all the time!

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