Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How to copy hand in BBO and move to Email in BBO

 Copying a bridge hand in BridgeBase Online (BBO) is actually fairly easy.  No really, it is easy.  Just follow these steps.

Step 1:  Go to the BBO History area. The History tab is either located on the right side of your screen if using a personal computer or on the bottom of the screen if using an IPAD or cellphone.

Step 2:  Find "Recent Hands" which is located under "History".

Step 3: Highlight the hand you want to send via Email to someone that has a BBO ID.

Step 4:  Find the blue box located on the upper right corner of the bridge hand.  Click on that box.  You will see a drop down menu.  Click on "Export".

Step 5: You will see another drop down menu.  Click on "Save to member".

Step 6:  Place the BBO ID of the person you want to send a copy of the bridge hand.  You can also supply a comment on why you are sending the bridge hand.

Step 7:   Success.  A copy of the bridge hand is sent to the BBO ID mailbox for the person to review.

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