Friday, November 19, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - November 22, 2021 - Good weak 2-bid


QuestionWhat should minimum point count be for a weak 2 opening bid ?


  South did NOT have a good weak 2-bid!!! It’s ok with the right hand to open with 5-10 high card points (HCP) or 5-11 HCP. BUT the suit has to be good. If the ♥️ suit was KQxxxx or AQxxxx it would be okay. So more important than point count is how good the suit is!!!  Do not open horrible suits. Non-vulnerable (NV) vs. vulnerable  (V) you could have as few as 5-7 HCP. If you are V vs. NV, you  should have 9-11 HCP.

  Good players who have 6-card Majors open 1 of the Major and rebid 2 with as few as 11, Again look at V or NV. They assume the 6-card good major should be opened. A lot to consider.


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