Friday, November 12, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 15, 2021 - Overcalling at the 2 level


Question: Should W overcall the 1 D opening bid by S with a bid of 2 C ?


No, in my opinion they should not.  

It is my understanding that an overcall at the two level, especially vulnerable, should ideally promise a strong 6-card suit. If only a 5-card suit, it should be exceptionally strong. The club suit in question clearly does not measure up.  

A more pressing question is why South passed the 1S bid by North. In Standard American a new suit at the one level by Responder is considered a forcing bid. Opener may not Pass.  

The proper second call by South in this case would be 1NT (denies 4 spades - denies 6 diamonds - implies a balanced hand - promises a standard opening point count). Where the auction goes from there depends on how sophisticated the pairs bidding systems are. Given that Responder has 13 HCPs, including 3 Aces, I would expect the auction to reach game (3NT or 4S). 

Interestingly enough, I don't believe either 3NT of 4S deserves to make. In bridge reaching the correct contract is no guarantee that contract deserves to make. The correct contract will, however, deserve to make MOST of the time. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?

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