Friday, November 26, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - November 29, 2021- Should you double a pre-empt?


Question: What do you do when you a good hand and right hand person starts out with a pre-empt?


Your question begs a two-word answer that happens to be the most common immediate response to many/most bridge questions: "It Depends”. 

First & foremost it depends on your Partnership Agreements. Close behind your Partnership Agreements it depends on the strength & distribution of your hand. 

Most partners agree that DBL of a preemptive opening bid is for Takeout. Since that is the most common agreement, I will assume it is the agreement here. That means you cannot DBL for penalty, as much as you might like to do so.  

Partner has a right to expect any suit bid you make to promise a strong suit of at least 5 cards. That means you should not make a suit bid either. 

Partner has a right to expect a Takeout DBL to promise at least an opening hand & “tolerance” in the unbid suits. The opening hand you have. What is your partnership agreement with respect to “tolerance”?  

Your singleton club clearly does not meet any rationale standard for tolerance. It also makes clubs the suit partner is most likely to have length in.  If you DBL, would a Club response by partner make you happy? 

I suspect not, especially knowing they might be forced to do so holding a very weak hand. 

Bottom line is that, despite a strong urge to tell partner you have 4 spades, you should be reluctant to make a Takeout DBL which has the potential to get you in lots of trouble. 

If I were holding the South hand, I would PASS. I believe West & North were also correct to subsequently Pass. 

 Looks to me like good defense puts East down at east one trick. Ain’t bridge a great game?

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