Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 16, 2022 - Long minor suits


Question: South opens 1 NT and responder bids her long club suit which S interprets (I think) as Stayman. If N/S were bidding transfers could N have bid 1 S to indicate 8+ pts and 6 C or is there a better bid ?


If NS were playing 4-way transfers, a bid of 2S (not 1S) by Responder over an opening 1NT would typically be a transfer to clubs. Transfers normally make no promise of points - just length. Jacoby transfers to the majors promise at least a five card suit. Many partners agree that transfers to the minor suits should promise at least a six card suit. Common agreement is that Responder can choose to transfer with no points at all (planning to Pass at their next turn), if the spirit moves them to do so.  

Comment #1:  Holding the South hand, I would open 1S (not 1NT). That is an approach I strongly recommend to inexperienced players.  

Comment #2:  In this particular scenario I see no reason at all for North to feel like they need to tell opener about their club suit. North knows they do not have a golden fit in hearts or spades. They know they have enough points for game. North’s first call should be 3NT (end of auction - end of story). 

Comment #3:  It is amazing to me how frantic most less experienced players are to tell 1NT openers about a long minor suit. Waste of time. MY advice? Do NOT use minor suit transfers. Holding a long minor suit, just bid to whatever level of NT tells partner your point count. If your side wins the auction with a NT contract, partner should be delighted to see your long minor suit. Rarely, is it important they should know about it during the auction 

Comment #4:  North should not have passed 2S. They should have rebid their clubs. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?

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