Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis-Vic Johnson - May 9, 2022 - Opening Bid of 1 Diamond instead of 1NT

Question: Here’s a question about opening in 4th seat. In this case declarer has a good hand but being cautious opens 1 D instead of 1 NT. Responder has supported Diamonds, where should this go from here?


In fact, 1D is exactly what South SHOULD open. Being cautious has nothing to do with that decision. A one level opening bid promises as few as 13 to as many as 21 points. That is what South has.  

Opening NT would promise a balanced hand & a hand with two doubletons is NOT balanced. So it would be highly improper to open 1NT to show their point count. Plus, if you happen to be an Audrey Grant disciple, you would evaluate the South hand as 18 points, too strong to open 1NT. 

Responders 2D bid denies a 4-card major. South should consequently give up on a golden fit in either major & be thinking NT (NOT diamonds - No Trump). South is strong enough to next bid 2S (a reverse). Hearing that south has spades & is also stronger than standard (the reverse shows 17+ HCPs) & holding two Aces plus stoppers in both hearts & clubs, I would expect North second call to be 3NT which should end the auction. 

A contract of 3NT in the north puts East on lead. I would expect East to lead hearts. Declarer can subsequently take 9 tricks off the top (2 hearts + 2 spades + 5 diamonds), making their 3NT before even giving up the lead. 

If the defenders should find a club lead, declarer would lose the first four tricks, before taking the same nine winners.


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