Thursday, April 28, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - May 2, 2022 - 1NT or 2NT?


Question: Declarer has indicated a 5 card C suit, responder has 12 HCP and C support but not enough HCP for game in a minor. As Vic would say there are only 3 suits in Bridge, Spades, Hearts and No-Trump, should responder have bid 2NT?


Responder’s 1NT call promises 6-10 points & denies a 4-card major. So yes, Responder should have bid 2NT (11-12 points & denies a 4-card major). Undervaluing or overvaluing your hand are two of the worst lies you can make. 

North/South also apparently have a flawed agreement that Opener can rebid clubs to promise FIVE. Rebidding a suit should promise SIX (period - end of story). 

Even though opening a minor may promise as few as three, it is bad bridge to agree that you can subsequently rebid that minor to promise five. If you do make that agreement, you are left with no way to tell partner when you have six. It is far more important to be able to show six of a minor than to be able to show five of a minor.  

In this case rebidding their club suit was a good decision by North, even though they only had five. But South should have the right to expect SIX. And with their point count plus their club fit South should take the auction to game in NT. Looks like West could be expected to lead a heart which would allow Declarer to easily take 9 tricks. 

This hand is a classic example of a bad auction, resulting from a flawed understanding of basics by two very good players. Teaching & reinforcing good basics is the focus of Friday morning Chat Bridge. Regular attendance at Chat Bridge would help even experienced players correct the basic flaws we all have in our games. Just saying. 

Contact Vic for more information about Friday morning Chat Bridge. 

Ain’t bridge a great game?

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