Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - April 18, 2022 - 5 Card Minors


Question: E opens 1C and then raises to 2 C after responder bids 1 H. With 8 HCP and 5 H should W make the 2H bid or pass?


  This is a hand that gives me a chance to suggest some new thoughts about describing your hand to partner. 1st of all NEVER EVER, EVER rebid a 5-card minor. We don’t rebid 5-card Majors so certainly it can’t be good to rebid a minor. When you hold a 5-card minor THINK NT!!!!  That is the number one rule for everyone.

  But this hand has a flaw for NT in that your ♠️ holding is too short. (I would bid NT with 3 ♠️.) A ♠️ will be probably be led if you bid NT, so instead raise partner to 2 ♥️!   Teachers preach don’t raise partner without 4, but sometimes it’s the only bid that makes sense. If your partner tells you to NEVER raise with only 3, suggest they google how to play 4-3 fits because they become fun once you’ve played a few. This hand works great because you found partner with 5 ♥️ and he would have passed 1NT because you might have only 1 ♥️. 2 ♥️ is the best contract for this hand. Hope you look Into playing 4-3 fits!!!



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