Thursday, April 28, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 2, 2022 - Responder



I think this is an example of responder needing to look at the added values of the void and length in hearts.  How would the “guru(s)” bid this one?


      When we 1st pick up a hand to count our points, we add 1 point for every extra card in a suit over 4. With AJxxx we have 5 high-card points and 1 point for the 5th ♥️. If we held AKJTxxx, we would have 8 high-card points and 3  points for the 3 extra ♥️.

      ALL that changes WHEN we find a fit! Partner open 1 of a minor, you bid 1 ♥️ and partner raises you to 2 ♥️. Now you no longer count length, you count shortness because you have a declarer and a dummy. When you have found a dummy, you count dummy points and not length points. Now, you have 5 points for your void and should be happy to bid 4 ♥️.  Other dummy points: 1 points for a xx, 3 points for a stiff or singleton and 5 points for the void.

  The reason we say bidding is a living thing is because it changes as we find out more about the hand, Be sure to reevaluate with EVERY bid!!!!

See you at the tables,


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