Sunday, April 3, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 11, 2022 - Reverse



This hand has 21 HCP with a singleton king of spades. Can this hand be opened as 2 NT instead of 1 D and then jump-shift to H ?


Given that they would count a singleton King as being worth only 2 HCPs, some experienced players would count West as only a 20 HCP hand. Either way, the singleton King renders 2NT an inappropriate opening bid. The appropriate opening bid is 1D, the bid West did in fact make. 

The 1st Pass by East denied an opening hand. The 2nd Pass by East promises less than 6 points. In light of their 5-card spade suit which allows them to count a length point I would expect many East to respond 1S instead of Pass. 

If Responder does bid 1S, Opener should not “jump shift” to anything. An experienced player would probably interpret a jump shift by West to 3H over 1S as a “splinter bid” in support of spades.  

Opener could bid 2H (not a jump) over 1S. That would be a “Reverse”, promising a heart suit that is shorter than their diamonds (probably 5 - 4) & showing extra values. Over 2H, I would expect East to bid either 2NT or 3D. 

As pretty as the West hand is, it looks doubtful to me that EW deserve more than 8 tricks in any contract. The best final contract would be two level or below in either NT or diamonds. Any auction that gets them higher than the two level renders them deserving of going down, turning a positive score into a negative score.


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