Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - April 25, 2022 - Small Slam



Here is a missed opportunity bid based on responder’s fear of a missing Ace. Hand easily made 6S.


I believe the bidding sequence shown should have gotten NS to small slam (6S). 

North has promised an opening hand. The 2H overcall by East promises a solid heart suit (ideally 6 cards in length) & opening hand point values as well or at least very close to opening hand point values.  

Given their own 8 HCPs, South can assume West is broke or close to it. It is also reasonable for South to assume East has the heart Ace which means South has only one loser in that suit. Finally, it is reasonable for South to assume partner has all the other high spade honors, either that or they lied big time about having an opening hand. 

The 6 cards that are most critical for slam in a suit contract are: the 4 Aces + trump King & Queen. There is a high likelihood NS are missing only one of those 6 cards (probably the heart Ace). It doesn’t often get much better than that. Slam is rarely a rock solid guaranteed bid.  

Over 5D, I would encourage north to take a deep breath & bid 6S. Given the information South has, slam is far more likely to make than not make.


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