Monday, January 30, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - February 6, 2023 - Not Bidding a Reverse


Question:  North has 5 diamonds, 4 hearts, and 13HCP.  Should North show the hearts as a rebid when North was the overcaller or is it acceptable to stay in diamonds?


Showing the hearts as a rebid would be a Reverse (at the three level no less). I believe it would imply a hand stronger than13 HCPs, although as an overcaller it would not be too outrageous. I would not make that bid if I was North.  

Jumping to 4D is not acceptable either. It crosses the line big time from aggressive to reckless. 

Turns out 4D plays pretty well in this case, but that is Slot Machine Bridge at its finest. 

The most "acceptable" thing North could do at their second chance to call is Pass. 

If I were holding the North hand, I would like to believe I would Pass on my first chance to call. What I would really like to be able to do with that hand is tell partner about my 4 hearts. Bidding 1D first is going to make that very awkward.  

What I would be hoping is that if I Pass, East will bid 1S. If it then passes back around to me OR if West raises to 2S, I can then DBL to tell partner I have hearts & diamonds.  

In response to my DBL, partner should bid 3H (if available) at their next turn & we will have found the contract we should be in. 

What if East should bid 1D or 1H instead of 1S, you ask? Don't think for a moment that either one of those bids would not make me happy.

 What if East should pass the auction around to partner, you ask? I would be hoping for Partner to make a balancing call of some sort. Looking at the vulnerability & partner's hand, however, I am not sure they would do so. If not, that would end the auction at 1C. 

Ain't bridge a great game?


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