Monday, January 30, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - February 6, 2023 - Preempt and game


Bidding Sequence

Question:  Are there any rules for when to use a penalty double?  This hand went down 3, doubled and vulnerable.


  This was a very interesting hand. 

1st, I have to be honest and say I would not preempt with this hand—it’s much too pretty. 7-5 COME ALIVE! But, we all have different ideas. I think N should and must bid 4 ♠️

Wow N you have a beautiful hand and should bid 4 without much thought. E stepped in and saved you by bidding 4 ♦️! Now, you bid 4 ♠️ but still doesn’t show the strength of your hand. 

  E you made a super aggressive bid of 4 ♦️ because when the opponent preempts, you have to have a great hand to bid at all. You pushed them into a game they should have freely bid so shame on you.  Then to bid 5 ♦️ is not a winning bid—you pushed them to game and now say "here’s a dart board on my back so  please punish me".  They did—you gave them a top board by going minus 800 when they could only make 620! 

Partners are hard enough to please, but when you bid without the correct values, you are putting yourself in a bad position.

  North and South: When partner preempts and you have an opening hand, bid your game. Bridge winners bid their values. Remember that if you make everything you bid, you’re not bidding enough. We all bid our values, but sometimes fate doesn’t let us make it even though we should be in game. Become a good bidder and over time you become the winner.

Hope this helps,



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