Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - February 13, 2023 - Slam

Question: How should slam be explored with this hand?  It made 6 spades.


Thanks for giving me this opportunity to talk about slams and how preempts make it difficult for the opponents. With no interference S should open with 3 ♠️ & N should bid 6 ♠️ !!!!!

N has the world’s fair and his partner has 7 ♠️ for him. If this doesn’t make 6, it would surprise everyone in the field!! After all, you only lose 1 ♥️ trick.

  Now, let’s talk about preempts: E MUST open 2 ♦️ showing 5-11 points and a 6-card ♦️ suit.  S bids 2 ♠️ and W MUST bid 3 ♦️( called furthering the preempt as it makes it harder for N to decide how high to bid). N will probably bid 4 ♠️ and not even look for slam when his 2 opponents are both bidding. 

  Preempts are out there to help you not allow the opponents a wide open field to bid whatever they want—make it difficult for them to decide what to do!!!!!

Hope this helps,



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