Sunday, August 13, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - August 21, 2023- Going to Game

Question:  How does South determine to go to game after North passes two times and gives a 3 spade bid?


South should not even dream of continuing to game in spades.

North (correctly) passed twice, then made a questionable decision to raise to 3S, apparently to tell south they had two spades (pitiful as they are) for a golden fit. That certainly does not sound like encouraging Responder support to me. 

North promised a 6-card spade suit with their 2S rebid. But they do not have six spades. That means NS does not have a golden fit, do they? 

 Lies are part of bridge. But there are good lies & bad lies. And this lie is a bad one. South should Pass 2D which it turns out deserves to go down two (plus 100 for NS).

South does not deserve to take even seven tricks in spades. The fact that NS is vulnerable means EW will earn 100 points for every setting trick. Unless of course EW doubles for penalty in which case the award for a set goes 200 - 500 - 800.

 Rule of Bridge: Freely rebidding a suit promises six. Even new players should take care to not violate this rule.

Ain't bridge a great game? 

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