Friday, November 13, 2020

Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - November 16, 2020

 Editor's Note:  The hand below was played by Glenna Shanahan and her partner David Suplinski.  Both Glenna and David commented on the hand.

Question:   I am not sure what W was trying to convey to you by the  3D cue bid.  You two missed the bid by one trick.  Would you explain what you two were doing?


His 3 ♦️ bid should show limit raise values in ♥️. He bid ♣️ 1st to show a real suit and 11 or more points and then a limit raise in ♥️. We didn’t make the contract because his values were soft and based on distribution, not points. I think his bid should have been 3 ♥️, but we can’t always agree with our partner.  A cue bid of the opponent’s suit promises 3 or more trump and 11-12 points.


Ah, yes.  It took the 4-0 split to beat it.  I was never going to bid less than 4 hearts when you showed a heart suit.  Maybe I should have just bid 4 instead of the cue bid since I had made up my mind to go to game.  I was not going to only bid 3.  Just my point of view!

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