Thursday, November 5, 2020

Hand Analysis - Victor Johnson - November 9, 2020 - Is this a slam hand?


Problem: How do you bid a slam?


North 1D:  probably 4+ diamonds & 13-21 points (good start for Opener) 

South 1H:  4+ hearts & 6+ points & forcing (good start for Responder) 

North 2D (oops):  promises 6+ diamonds but tells partner they are at lower end of 13-21 point range 

North 3NT (Vic's Alternate Suggestion): promises 19+ points & stoppers in clubs & spades & enough tricks to make 3NT (north has reason to believe they have six diamond tricks) 

Then South 4H : promises 6+ hearts & interest in slam 

Then North 4NT: Standard Blackwood (what I imagine most of you play) 

Then South 5D: one Ace 

Then North: 6H 

Play of Hand:  Deserves to make, but inexperienced players will probably not find the way. Key is to discard club Q-J-8 on diamond A-K-Q & ruff two spades before running north hand out of hearts.


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