Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hand Analysis - Glenna Shanahan - November 2, 2020- Too good for 1NT


Problem: Would you confirm that the West pass on the second bid was correct?  I only had 8 HCP plus a length point.  I thought I needed 11 points to go to 3NT.


This is such an unfortunate hand because E is too good to open 1NT. He should open 1 ♦️ and then jump to 2NT. W’s bid of 2 ♦️ makes it impossible for E to correctly bid. He underbids 2NT and misses game or slightly overbids by bidding 3NT. If W’s bid guarantees 5 ♦️, I would probably bid 3NT because there is no scientific way to bid this hand. Think everyone should agree that W’s bid promises 6-10 points, 5 ♦️ and no 4-card major.

  You mentioned needing 11 points to bid game in NT and we need to clear that up. IF partner opens 1NT, you pass with 0-7, bid 2NT with 8 or 9 and bid 3NT with 10-15. Anytime you have 16 or more, look for slam.

Hope this helps,

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