Thursday, October 8, 2020

Bridge Hand Analysis - Victor Johnson - Monday, October 12, 2020- Blackwood


Problem: Should Blackwood been used for this hand?


Blackwood is not the only way to get to slam. In fact for experienced players it is often not even the preferred way to explore for slam. Experienced players often prefer to explore for slam by cue bidding "controls". That is why experienced players avoid using Gerber to ask for Aces - they want "4C" to be available as a control bid. 

Blackwood is important when the specific information you need to know is how many Aces you have. That of course makes this hand a classic Blackwood hand. Following is a suggestion for how the auction might go. 

Auction (Dealer is South):  Pass - 1D (see note below) - Pass - 1H (forcing) - Pass - 4H (promises 4 hearts & 19+ HCPs) - Pass - 4NT (Blackwood) - Pass - 5C (zero or 4 Aces - must be 4 to have 19+ HCPs) - Pass - 6NT - Pass - Pass - Pass 

The hand will make 6NT if diamonds are played correctly (Eight Ever Nine Never Rule dictates playing for diamond Queen to drop). Those who opt to play the hand incorrectly by finessing the diamond Jack will make an overtrick. Sometimes being an inexperienced player works to your advantage. 

Note: Opener's initial plan should have been to follow their first bid of 1D with a subsequent "Reverse" to hearts. A reverse to hearts would have promised a two suited hand with diamonds longer than hearts & 19+ HCPs - a pretty perfect description. Responder's bid of 1H, however, resulted in a change of plans.


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