Friday, October 16, 2020

Bridge Hand Analysis - Victor Johnson - October 19, 2020 - 1NT bid after change in suit

 Comment:  This is a hand Ralph Patterson (rcpmadison) and Doug Van Horn (vhanhornd1) played.  Care to comment?

Vic Johnson:

Actually, your 1NT second bid was in fact correct. 

Starting with South as Dealer, I would expect the auction to go as follows: 

Pass - 1D - Pass - 1S - Pass - 1NT - Pass - 2H - Pass - 3D - Pass - 3NT - Pass - Pass - Pass 

A challenging hand to play, but I do believe it deserves to make 3NT.

 Note: Your 1NT second bid tells Doug you do not have 4 spades - you do have a standard opening hand (13-14) - you are balanced.

Note: Doug's 2H second bid tells you he has a two suited hand (probably either 5-4 or 5-5).

 Note: Your 3D third bid does NOT promise six diamonds - it simply says your diamonds have some strength. It also gives Doug the chance to rebid hearts which would tell you he is 5-5 not 5-4. You would then raise to game in hearts. 

Note: Doug's 3NT third bid confirms he is 5-4 with enough points to bid game.

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