Friday, November 20, 2020

Hand Review by Glenna Shanahan -November 23, 2020 - Bidding 6


Problem: This hand made 6 clubs  Was there a way to bid it?


This is truly a lucky hand that 6 can make. W has no way to show the ♦️ A, so E doesn’t know he has a pitch and is looking at 2 losers.  If E opens 1 ♣️, south should overcall 1 ♠️ and that cuts W out of bidding. So, it’s just a lucky hand that I don’t believe very many good players would bid 6—most would be lucky to get to 5. If E should should use Blackwood and find W with an A, it doesn’t help him because he won’t know if it’s the ♥️ or ♦️ A!! Usually a ♦️ A would be useless opposite a void, but this time it happens to work. Not worth bidding a doubtful slam.

 One rule for people to know is that you don’t use Blackwood with a void or a worthless doubleton because you don’t know which A partner has and therefore can’t know if it’s a working A or not,

Hope this helps.


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