Sunday, May 16, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 17, 2021- Basics for a 1NT opening



  I really like this hand and all the issues it reminds me that there are some basic things we need to share with our newer people to help make bridge more enjoyable.  

This hand W opens 1 NT and yes, S should bid 2 ♦️

The basics we need to develop are the shape and size of hands that can and should compete over 1NT openings. The 2nd basic thing is that everyone should have agreements about how to hand their opponents interference—I would suggest something very simple to start and as your comfort level rises, you can make changes to your agreements. The 3rd issue we need to address are the very specific requirements for opening 1, 2 and 3NT. For instance, to open 1NT we need 15-17 points and a balanced hand: a Balanced hand does NOT have a void, a singleton or 2 doubletons. This  hand should be opened 1 ♥️ because it is against ACBL Rules to open NT with a void! They just changed the rules to say we can have a singleton A, K or Q and I wish they hadn’t done that as some of my good boards are when people do that!!  We do have guidelines at the club for various things, but when ACBL makes it a law or a rule, we must follow it! We have no choice.

Thanks for the super great questions—please keep them coming.

See you at the Tables (Virtual for now)



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