Friday, May 21, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - May 24, 2021 - Big Balanced Hand



There are 2 approaches on how to handle big, balanced hands like this one. 1st: people open 2 ♣️ and rebid 2 NT with 22-24, rebid 3NT with 25-27, and rebid 4NT with 28-30 , etc. Others like to open this hand with 3NT  (25-27points) so that the opponents don’t know a great deal about the hand and it’s a perfect description of the hand for partner.

  Most partnerships play both Staymen and Jacoby Transfers over all the NT responses.  Partner would bid some number of ♥️ as a transfer to ♠️. Partner knows you have an 8-card fit because you must have 2 ♠️ for your bid and would place the contract in 4 ♠️. Which might or might not make depending on lead and defense.

  But to address the play in 3 NT, I would like to point out 1 thing declarer should have tried and been down only 1 which might be an average board on a good day. Most tables would lead a ♥️ so now you have 4 A’s, 2 Ks and the ♥️ Q. Before you do anything else, play ♦️ because if they break 3-3, your 4th ♦️ becomes your 8th trick. When you’re short on tricks. Always try for something good to happen for you!

Hope this helps,


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