Friday, May 7, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - Monday, May 10, 2021-Open and Jump Shift or 2NT?


Absolutely, North should NOT open 1D & jump shift. A jump shift describes a two-suited hand. North does NOT have a two-suited hand. They have a balanced hand. It would be highly misleading to jump shift to a 3-card suit. 

Should North open 2NT? It depends. 

It depends, first of all, on how North counts their points. Audrey Grant followers would count North as a 22 point hand (21 HCPs plus one length point). 

It depends, also, on the partnership agreement for 2NT openers. Probably the most common agreement is 20-21 points. 

Audrey Grant followers using the 20-21 point agreement would view this hand as too strong to open 2NT. Their plan would be to open 2C (22+), followed by a second bid of 2NT (22-24 points & balanced). 

Audrey Grant followers would count South as an 11 point hand (10 HCPs plus one length point). Subsequent to a 2C opening bid by North, followed by a second call of 2NT by North, South can bid 6NT (22 minimum + 11 = 33 which is the criterion for bidding 6NT).

 It does deserve to make 6NT.

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