Thursday, July 22, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - July 26, 2021- Overcall, Take out Double, or pass


QuestionShould west have overcalled with the 4 card Heart suit, bid a takeout double or pass?


  Glad to have a chance to discuss the differences between take out double (TOX) and overcalls. We overcall when we have 5 or more cards in a suit. We make TOX’s when we have 3 or more cards in a suit. An overcall promises 7-17 points with 7+ at the 1-level and 11+ at the 2-level. When we make a TOX, we are showing 13+ points and 3-card support for the unbid suits.

  On the hand submitted, S should open 1 ️, W should make a TOX (need 5-card suit to overcall), N should bid 1 ️ and E must pass. S will bid 2 ️ showing a 5-4 hand and N should correct back to 2 ️.

  A couple of things are important to remember: Always take partner back to 1st suit and don’t raise or leave in 2nd suit without 4!!!! Partner is usually showing a 5-4 hand. You can raise partner’s 2nd suit WITH 4!!!! 

  This hand has all the necessary points and shape to get partner to 2 ️!  Hope this helps.


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