Friday, July 2, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - July 5, 2021 - Interpret results from competitive playing at Bridge Club of Madison at Todd Drive

 If you decide to play competitively or are curious about playing competitively, you should know that you will receive a computer analysis of the  results of each hand you play in an email message after you complete the session at the Bridge Club of Madison.  The results are different from the Bridge Base Online (BBO) results and so I supplied a hand to Vic and asked him to interpret the results.


Double Dummy refers to a computer analysis of makeable contracts. Following is how I understand what the numbers are showing. But you need to ask someone who is more concerned about stuff like this than I am. 

Playing in a club contract, there is a line of play that will allow EW to make 4C (that leaves 3 tricks for NS).

Playing in a diamond contract, there is a line of play that will allow EW to make 7D (that leaves 0 tricks for NS).

 Playing in a heart contract, there is a line of play that will allow EW to make 1H (that should leave 6 tricks for NS - why they are only showing 5 tricks for NS I do not know).

Playing in a spade contract, there is a line of play that will allow EW to make 6S (that leaves 1 trick for NS). 

Playing in a NT contract, there is a line of play that will allow EW to make 6NT (that leaves 1 trick for NS).

Whether human partners would ever find a way to bid and/or make any of the above contracts, who knows. In each case it could be either likely OR unlikely OR somewhere in between. Computers do not have to follow any rules of bidding or play. They simply try every possible combination & go with what works. 

I have never understood the concept of Par nor do I have any particular desire to.

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