Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - December 27, 2021- Bidding with a void in a major


QuestionThis hand made 11 tricks.  How do you bid this when the majors are short?


  1st, I should say North should know their partner has few points and probably not a suit of their own. The 2nd thing they should think is that the opponent opened the bidding and N has 20 some points in his hand so partner will NOT raise him. There are two ways to get South to bid: 1. N could bid 2 ♠️ showing ♥️ and a minor. When S bids, N would correct to some number of ♥️. The other method is to make a take out double (TOX) which S must respond to and the N could bid 2 ♥️ and S should realize his partner has a ton of points and I would raise ♥️ even though, I have only 2.  N has game in his own hand, but must get partner’s cooperation and not just leap off to 4—there could be a slam!

Hope this helps,


1 comment:

  1. The 2 Spade Michaels cuebid describes the North hand. With no useful information from South, how does North decide "how high" in hearts? With a favorable split in diamonds, North could win 3 hearts, 3 diamonds, 1 club, and 2 spade ruffs - for 9 tricks.
