Friday, December 31, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - January 3, 2022 - Bidding up the line


Question:  Bidding choices, should responder bid up the line – D – H or the major over the minor?


Hope you don’t mind but I’m going to do more than answer your question! 

Responder was correct to bid 1 ♦️ and NOT 1 ♥️.  I always  tell people to bid up the line and NOT to bypass a 4-card ♦️  suit to show a bad 4-card Major. If partner with an opening hand can bid the 4-card major and get the lead to come into his hand he will usually get an extra trick!!! That is certainly very worthwhile in bridge competition. We teach players in BB1 to look for a major But we NEVER teach them to be the one to bid a major 1st. 1 ♦️ is 100% forcing so let your partner bid the Major and become a winner!!!!

  Now on to the bidding by South. S, you have a very clear cut 1 ♥️ overcall. You have a good 5-card suit and 7 or more points and you must bid 1 ♥️ to give your partner a chance to raise you or maybe make further bidding by the opponents difficult or even help your partner make the right opening lead.  You do NOT have enough points to overcall at the 2-level. A 2-level overcall in my book is 11+ points, but Audrey teaches you must have 13 points. 

See You At The Tables,




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