Thursday, December 16, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - December 20, 2021 - The Unusual 2NT


Question: Do you accept a transfer even if you suspect you will not have a golden fit?


The quick answer to your question is a resounding YES.  

Trusting your partner AND being a partner they can trust in return is essential to good bridge. So if partner asks you to do something, it is not your place to decide whether it is a good idea or not. Just trust that it IS a good idea & do it. If you should ultimately conclude that partner almost always makes bad decisions, get a new partner. 

Having said that, I see that North in the above auction is a robot. I believe that the auction shown is an example of drastic miscommunication between robot & human. South apparently intends their 2NT bid to show a classic 2NT opening hand. South, however, is NOT Opener. South is Overcaller which changes everything.  

I would interpret the 2NT overcall by South as an “Unusual NT” which is a very popular conventional call that promises 5 - 5 distribution in the two lowest unbid suits (clubs & hearts in this case). I believe that is how the robot interpreted the 2NT overcall as well.  

That means the subsequent 3H bid by robot was NOT a transfer, but simply a suit preference bid telling South the robot liked hearts better than clubs. The miscommunication continued, resulting in a truly disastrous auction. 

The proper way for South to describe their hand to partner in the above auction is a partnership agreement issue. But I do not expect many partners would agree that the proper way to do so is by bidding 2NT.

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