Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - December 27, 2021- Passing on a 16 HCP hand


Question: Overcalls require four a suit.  This overcall has clubs which is what was bid.  Can one go to the second suit, hearts, for an overcall?


An overcall in a suit promises a 5-card suit, NOT a 4-card suit. That makes a heart overcall inappropriate, despite the strength of the suit. 

A Takeout DBL overcall promises “tolerance” in the unbid suits. A 4-card suit definitely meets the standard for tolerance. Many experienced players these days often have 3-card suits that they are comfortable making a Takeout DBL with.  Hearts & Diamonds in the above example are both suits I would be comfortable making a Takeout DBL with. The singleton spade, however, does not meet the standard for tolerance by any stretch of the imagination. That makes overcalling with DBL also an inappropriate option. 

Holding the above hand, I would simply clench my teeth & Pass. If I ultimately got a second chance to call, my second call would depend on what West and/or North had chosen to do. If West & North both Pass, of course, the auction is over & we will see how close East can come to taking seven tricks in clubs. 

Ain't bridge a great game?

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