Thursday, June 30, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - July 4, 2022 - Take Out Double Response

Question: E has opened with a very weak 2 H bid. N has a strong hand but then goes astray with 3 NT that goes down due to the length in H by E. 


Based on the fact North is short in clubs, the most likely call by South (Advancer) subsequent to a Takeout DBL by North (Overcaller) is 3C. Factored into a decision to DBL, North consequently needs to plan ahead for what they will bid next if South does in fact answer 3C. 

North has forced South to bid. The 3C bid by South has promised length (4+ cards), but has made no promise of any points at all. Over 3C, I would encourage North to bid 3D (their strongest suit). And I would expect that to end the auction. 

Turns out North will luck out big time with a 3D bid, catching south with four diamonds (including the King) plus 6 points plus shortness in the majors. Looks to me like 3D would make.

Given that South has promised no points at all, the 3NT bid by north, holding only one heart stopper, crossed the line from aggressive into reckless. North deserved to go down.

What would have been a better sequence of bids for N-S ?


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