Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - June 20, 2022 - When to go to game

Question:  In a competitive situation, is it better to play it safe with a part score or is it better to go to game not knowing whether you will make the bid or be set by a trick?


What is “better” is to try your best to accurately describe your hand to partner, then let partner make the decision about whether to go to game or not.

South knows that they have only 4 HCPs. They also know that West has less than an opening hand & that East (Overcaller) apparently has a “Weak Two” hand. That means partner (Opener) can be expected to have extra values. 

I agree with South (Responder) decision to Pass on their second chance to call. An alternative option would have been to bid 3H which would promise heart support, but less than a Limit Raise. 

 South 4-card heart support makes 3H an attractive call. Their bottom of the barrel point count, however, makes 3H an iffy call. If Opener does have extra values, hearing 3H from Responder they will probably go to game. And South should not be excited about being in game.

 If Opener is not ready to give up on the auction, I would suggest DBL on their second chance to call (rather than 2NT). 

North bid of 2NT promises a spade stopper. Three spades to the Jack does not constitute a stopper in my book. Turns out that playing in 2NT & with a spade lead North stands to lose the first 6 tricks. 

A second call of DBL by North tells Responder they are not ready to give up on the auction & asks them to please bid something. South should now bid 3H (basically a drop dead - lowest available level - you forced me to bid call). I would encourage North to subsequently Pass 3H.

 Looks to me like North might or might not make 3H, but definitely does not deserve to make 4H.

 A great interfering 2S bid by East. Ain’t bridge a great game.


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