Thursday, July 14, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - July 18, 2022 - When 1NT response is wrong


E is in 4th seat and opens 1C on 11 HCP and 6C. W responds 1 NT on 11 HCP. Bid then progresses to 4H which went down 3. 

What would have been a better progression for the bidding?


E does have an opening hand of 13 points—2 length points in ♣️ and 2 ️ bring E to 15 (an opening hand in Rule of 15). West is the one who got it all wrong: 

1 NT denies a 4-card Major and shows only 6-10 points and W has a 4-card ♥️ suit and 11 points! W must bid 1 ♥️!!!! E has options; can rebid 2 ♣️, 2 ♥️ because of ruffing power or even 1 NT depending on E’s style. W would make 1 more bid to show 11 or 12 pts. and would pass whatever E bids. My very strong suggestion is that W learns that 6-10 shows a weak hand, 11 or 12 shows an invitation and must get to a game somewhere when he has 13 or more points. 

 When E opens 1 ♣️, W bids up the ladder: 4 ♦️ and 4 ♥️, he bids 1 ♦️ and with 4 ♥️ and 4 ♠️, he bids 1 ♥️. We ALWAYS look for a major over NT!!!!!!

Hope this clears the air for better bidding,


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