Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Mark Olsky - July 18, 2022 - A lonely 1NT overcall

Question:  What do you do when you look at the dummy and suspect you will not make the bid and be down substantially?


Let's talk about the bidding. Lots of players will overcall 1NT and West will almost always double. This is absolutely a penalty double. You are unlikely to be alone in this contract. If you don't show your discomfort or make comments that might help the opponents find the most painful defense, you might get lucky and go down less badly than others in 1NT doubled. We will get to the best play in a moment. North knows that the double is likely to be very successful and that it will be left in. a zero is a zero, so it might be worth taking a chance to escape. If I were north, I would redouble! Most good players play that as "S.O.S." It asks partner (the NT bidder) to start bidding 4 card suits "up the line." In this case you identify a 4- 4 fit immediately. You may or may not get doubled and you are likely to score better than playing NT anyway. If they start by cashing 2 diamonds, you probably make 2 clubs as dummy's 3rd spade gets thrown on the good DQ. 

Back to the play of 1NT doubled. Your best hope is that someone  has a doubleton club K. You don't care if it's east or west. Just play A and a small one, by which I mean the 10!  That establishes 3 clubs tricks. If you got that blocking 10 out of your hand, you probably played it better than 90% of opponents. It means that having lost the K and scooped up the jack next, you have an entry to that sad dummy as you take club #4,to take the spade finesse. On a good day, they may start by taking 2 diamonds and giving you the Q. You now give them the club K. Since they can't see your hand, they might play spades next. It's not that unusual. Now you are only down one and, on a good day, might have an average or better board. If they find all their heart tricks instead, it gives you an incentive to discuss that SOS redouble.  Not all redoubles are SOS, so you have to read up and discuss it thoroughly. Good luck. Mark


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