Monday, June 12, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - June 19, 2023 - Double



South had a choice between calling a suit, hearts, or doubling.  When you have to make a decision which choice do you choose first?


 Usually we make TOX’s with 4-card suits or we have 18+ points and want to double and then bid our suit.

  This hand is in between and South should bid 2 ♥️. If he gets a chance he will follow up with 3 ♦️ to show his shape and a good hand. Sometimes we don’t get a 2nd chance.

  IF you have heard of Michaels, this is the perfect hand for it!!! 1 ♠️ and you bid 2 ♠️  which shows ♥️ and a minor. Partner bids 2 NT which is asking for partner’s minor. 

Hope this helps, remember we double with 4-card suits and bid suits that are 5 or more cards!!!


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