Monday, June 12, 2023

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - June 19, 2023 - NT Decision


This board had a better outcome in 3NT than 5 diamonds.  As South when do you decide to move to NT?


Clubs are for the golf course. Diamonds are for your finger. As South, I am thinking NT as soon as North bids 1H. Over 3D, I would bid 3NT (not clubs or diamonds).

Why would you want to be in a contract that requires 11 tricks for game, when there is another reasonable contract that requires only 9 tricks for game?

 The 2D second call by South, by the way, is a Reverse. It describes their distribution well (5 clubs - 4 diamonds), but promises a stronger hand (19+) than South has. 

 Maybe that is why North bid 4NT which I am assuming was Blackwood? Otherwise, I see no good reason for North to go slam hunting.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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